
We believe that creating a partnership with parents is the best way to support their oral health. That is why we will work closely with you when we assess your child’s health, growth, nutrition, and oral habits. Working together to provide the best home care in conjunction with the best professional care will create a healthy foundation for a beautiful smile. It is important to start thinking about your child’s oral health at a young age to keep their teeth clean and healthy. Staff at Children's Dentistry of Decatur will be a great source for answering any questions you may have before and after you have had your first visit.

What should I tell my child about the first dental visit?

We are asked this question many times. We suggest you prepare your child the same way that you would before their first hair-cut or trip to the shoe store. This will not be the frightening experience you may remember from your youth. If you are nervous about the trip, then the less you say the better. You cannot hide your anxiety from a child (they have a radar for these things). We will send you an activity/coloring book before the appointment that will explain everything. Have fun going through it with your child. Your child's reaction to his first visit to the dentist may surprise you.